People who have seen the mudflats of Cairns know: they suck.


Though deceptively harmless, the mudflats can exhibit quicksand-like characteristics in some areas, sucking trespassers down and keeping them there indefinitely.

…Which is how one 22-year-old German tourist found himself caught in a muddy quandary for over three hours before local police finally managed to rescue him.

Apparently the young man thought a gambol in the grime would be a great photo opportunity and a story to share with the folks back home. He wasn’t entirely wrong. The spectacle attracted quite a crowd of onlookers, including the national media.

“It’s quite sad,” said one Cairns woman who witnessed the rescue. “I thought there was something wrong with him.”

According to the officials, the tourist refused aid for quite some time, even tossing the rescue rope back in a fit of stubbornness. He gave in, though, after realizing that his own efforts were futile; he was then taken to the hospital, where it was determined that the only injury he suffered was his damaged pride.

“Luckily, they were able to wash his passport so he can go home again.” — Neil Noble, Queensland Ambulance Service senior operations supervisor



You can read the full story here, but before you go, take a moment to enjoy our tribute to mud victims everywhere, past and present!


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