Simply the most powerful SMS-Moodle integration.

At aXcelerate, our passion is building powerful solutions to complex problems. Now you have the power to combine aXcelerate’s amazing student management capabilities with Moodle’s comprehensive e-learning features. aXcelerate’s advanced web service solution enables both systems to ‘talk’ to each other dynamically, saving you and your staff time and effort. aXcelerate can do the heavy lifting associated with user creation, confirmations, course creation, bulk enrolments, subject status update and assessment progress.

With aXcelerate’s Moodle integration, you have complete control over a range of core functions including:

  • User management
  • Course management
  • aXcelerate updating Moodle
  • Moodle updating aXcelerate
  • Single sign-on to Moodle from aXcelerate’s Learner Portal
  • And much more

If you’re an RTO that delivers a high volume of short courses, you can set up your short courses in aXcelerate and your e-learning elements in Moodle and provide a seamless blended learning experience for your students.

If you’re an RTO that offers full or blended Programs (Qualifications), you can use aXcelerate Classes to enrol students into their respective subjects (units) and automatically enrol them into the corresponding Moodle Groups and Courses including related assessments. Imagine creating a full qualification and all its’ related subject/units as courses in Moodle at the click of just one button…in less than 20 seconds!

Automated Resulting

You can use the course completion rules in Moodle, such as a grade results or activity completions to trigger a subject (unit of competency) result in aXcelerate making it even easier to keep track of who’s completed what e-learning components. Combine that functionality with automatic subject resulting based on completion of aXcelerate assessment(s) and you have a turnkey solution for managing the entire e-learning and compliance process.

Importing Courses and Enrolments from Moodle

Now you can import your Moodle courses and related enrolments directly into aXcelerate saving you even more time. aXcelerate helps you keep track of what courses already exist in aXcelerate and what new courses you may need to import. And you never need to worry about duplicate user accounts: aXcelerate ensures each unique user stays unique, in both systems!

Flexible Moodle Hosting

Powered by AWS Cloud Computing

You have the flexibility to use your own Moodle server or one of our Amazon Moodle servers. It’s your choice. aXcelerate’s Moodle Hosting offers you a flexible and cost-effective hosting environment to store and manage all your e-learning content. We’ll take care of your hosting environment and ensure all updates are managed so that you can focus on what you do best: delivering great training programs.

For enquiries about aXcelerate-Moodle click here or email: