All students studying nationally recognised training programs in Australia from 1st of January 2015, will require a USI (Unique Student Identifier). As a training organisation you can choose to create a USI on behalf of your students or alternatively you can ask your students to create their own USI and provide it to you. There are two ways in which you can access the USI Registry system, directly through the website or through aXcelerate.

The video below provides training organisations with a general overview of the USI and how to create them on behalf of your students.

 Are you prepared for USI?

 Before you can access the USI Registry system, you need to have the following:

  1. Register with
  2. Have an ABN.
  3. Have an AUSkey (see Australian Business Register website for more information on the AUSkey).
  4. Have the student’s permission to create the USI on their behalf.

How are you planning to collect the USI for your current student base that will be training with your organisation in 2015?

Depending on the sheer volume of current students who are continuing with training in 2015, collecting the necessary information to create or verify a student’s USI can be a substantial task. You can choose to prompt your students to create and provide their USI to you or alternatively, you can collect the relevant information off your students and create it on their behalf.

In order to create a USI on behalf of your students, you will need the following information from a student:

  1. Permission from the student.
  2. A valid form of ID.
  3. The student’s details.
  4. A preferred contact method.
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