Dive into the future of learning with our revolutionary integrated eLearning features.

The Tin Can API

How will the Tin Can API affect learning in general, and your business specifically?


  • Successor to the SCORM standard
  • Built to capture learners’ ‘experiences’ as well as formal training
  • Ability to capture learning data from mobile devices
  • Designed with a hyper-flexible Actor:Verb:Object concept


Click here to learn more about the Tin Can API

Learners and Packages

Utilise aXcelerate’s deep integration with the Tin Can API


  • Deploy both Tin Can and older SCORM packages directly in aXcelerate
  • Allow learners to enrol directly into an eLearning unit…
  • …or link the unit (and the student) as part of a subject in a competency framework
  • Manage all student registrations and statuses from aXcelerate


Activity Logging and Metrics

Unleash the power of Tin Can and find unique insights


  • View advanced activity streams on a per-user, per-activity, or per-account basis
  • Any status change for a learner is reported back into aXcelerate automatically
  • Gain powerful insights into how your packages are actually being used and how learners are learning


Want to find out more about integrated eLearning within aXcelerate?
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