We’ve got a lot going on this week at aXcelerate, and it all starts with our first-ever EduTECH conference at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre. EduTECH is Australia’s largest expo for education and technology, offering attendees the unique opportunity to interact with approximately 150 different vendors and their products… all under one roof and for free!
Conveniently for us, the expo corresponds with the debut of our new aXcelerate learning and training management systems, so if you’re in the vicinity either today or tomorrow, why not drop by and check out our booth? Have a chat with our friendly and knowledgeable staff, or pick up a couple of our colourful, informative flyers to find out what aXcelerate can do for you!
There are also quite a few prominent experts in the industry who will be speaking at the conference over the next couple of days. Today’s agenda, for instance, began with a keynote address from Daniel Pink, bestselling author of A Whole New Mind. Later this afternoon, Day One will wrap up with some closing remarks from Salman Khan, the founder of Khan Academy and a leading influence in the world of education.
Sir Ken Robinson (author of Out of Our Minds and The Element; internationally acclaimed expert on creativity and innovation) will be giving the closing address for the conference tomorrow via satellite link from the United States; he’ll touch on elements from Out of Our Minds, including what he considers the three core objectives of 21st Century education.
Stay tuned for more updates as the conference progresses!