aXcelerate are excited to announce that we are finalists in this year’s Optus My Business Awards for the ‘Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Business of The Year’ category.

The Optus My Business Awards program is one of the longest-standing awards programs in Australia and aims to unearth the best and brightest of Australia’s community of more than 2 million SMEs, across all industries, states and territories.

This year hundreds of applicants applied for the 24 different categories offered by the prestigious award program. Each category acknowledges best practice within a particular industry sector, excellence in customer service and achievements in innovation and workplace culture.

The category our student management system has been shortlisted for, recognises the ICT businesses that have most effectively capitalised on market opportunities and driven demonstrable growth within the sector, as well as having a high priority on innovation.

We don’t envy the 26 high profile judges that now have to determine a winner for each category, as there are many exciting and innovative businesses nominated.

aXcelerate are honoured to be included in this high performing group. As mentioned before, our nomination and recognition for these types of awards this year, are owed in part to the ongoing support of our clients. Your support is a significant contributor to our success and a key motivator in the continuing development and growth of aXcelerate.

The winners for each category will be announced at a five-star gala awards dinner on Friday the 18th of November at Sydney’s Four Points by Sheraton.  We will be sure to let you all know of the final result!

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