Last year, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) decided to push forward the Unique Student Identifier (USI) legislation to be effective as of 01 January 2014. The Student Identifiers Bill, the formal proposition for the USI, was to be reviewed at this year’s Winter Sittings of Parliament; however, due to the federal election and a full legislative program, Parliament did not get a chance to consider the bill.

As a result, it has been decided that the implementation of the USI will not begin 01 January 2014.

The USI field will remain in the AVETMISS 7.0 standards as a placeholder, but training providers will be permitted to leave it blank until further notice. More information concerning the future of the USI legislation is expected to be released soon, and we will make sure to keep you apprised of any breaking news.

In the meantime, if you have any urgent questions or concerns, we encourage you to contact the USI Taskforce at

Other changes to AVETMISS 7.0 that remain effective as of September 2013 include the following:


  • Client usual residential address information to support better client socioeconomic status measures – to protect client privacy, the client’s usual address information is geo-coded to aggregated statistical areas. The address detail fields Address building/property name, Address flat/unit details, Address street number and Address street name will be deleted once state and territory training authorities and direct data submitters submit the data to the National VET Provider Collection.

  • Capacity to report skill set information – A skill set is a single unit or a collection of units which link to a license or regulatory requirement or defined industry needs.

    Skill set enrolments and completions are accommodated by extending the existing Program identifier and Program name to include skill sets in the Program, Enrolment and Program completed files. A skill set is distinguished from a qualification or a course by its Program recognition identifier that identifies the enrolment as belonging to a ‘Nationally recognised skill set, specified in a national training package’ or a ‘Locally recognised skill set’. The optional field Associated course identifier has been added to the Enrolment file by request of jurisdictions who wish to associate skill sets with a qualification or a course.

    Detailed reporting requirements and the timing for skill set reporting are yet to be determined.

  • Specific funding identifier – added to the national collection section in the Enrolment file to make it a formal part of the Standard and thereby improve monitoring of government programs. In AVETMISS release 6.1 the field was included as an optional field item and was called the Specific program identifier.

  • A statement on scope to clarify that the Standard covers onshore and offshore VET delivery – The VET Provider AVETMIS Standard covers data from public and private training providers who offer vocational education and training to domestic and international students at onshore and offshore locations.


  • Statistical local area – removed from the Training organisation delivery location file. The appropriate geographic classification can be derived from the address information collected.

  • Two non-VET classification codes from level of education – Classification codes for level of education of professional specialist qualifications at graduate diploma and graduate certificate level have been removed. The codes are not relevant to the VET sector.


  • The term ‘qualification/course’ to ‘program’
  • The term ‘module/unit of competency’ to ‘subject’
  • A number of fields to improve clarity and consistency.

Regular Standard Maintenance

  • Added permitted data value ‘@@—not specified’ to State identifier in Client file

  • Added a validation rule to Program completed file to require a record in Enrolment file if Year program completed is the same as the collection year

  • Relaxed validation rules for data of fields available on the National Register to accommodate the ‘auto-populate of known data’ function in the new web-based validation software

  • Removed unnecessary validation rules for Program completed file and Study reason identifier field

  • Aligned the formats of the address details fields in the Client postal details (NAT00085) file with the formats used in the Client (NAT00080) file

  • Clarified definitions and descriptions in the Standard.

Updated Enrolment Form

  • Added a question for client usual residential address
  • Modified instructions for question on disability type

(The detailed descriptions of AVETMISS 7.0 changes are courtesy of NCVER. For a copy of the complete document, please refer to the NCVER website or download the PDF here.)

As usual, we at aXcelerate would like to reassure our existing and potential clients that regardless of these changes, we guarantee our training management systems will meet compliance standards. We will do everything within our power to ensure that that you continue to receive only the best services and solutions for your training business.

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